Air Conditioning

Mobile Air Conditioning
We Come To you!

Prepare your vehicle for the summer season by scheduling a service for your car’s air conditioning! Our technicians possess the expertise and capabilities to ensure you and your car are cool this summer.

Here at OnTarget ADAS we’re equipped to service all modern vehicle’s air conditioning systems including the Common R134a & new R1234yf Refrigerants. We also carry specific lubricants to meet Electric vehicle (EV) and Hybrid manufacture specifications.

Air Conditioning (A/C)

Did you know?
That manufacturers typically advise servicing your vehicle’s air conditioning every two years? As time passes, the gases in the air conditioning system may gradually escape, affecting its overall performance. If you’ve observed a decline in cooling effectiveness, it’s advisable to arrange a service before the system experiences a complete breakdown.

Air Conditioning (A/C) 2

A/C Re-Gas

Our technicians:

– Remove the refrigerant from the system.
– Place the entire system under vacuum and check for leaks.
– Replace lubricating oil in accordance with manufactures specifications.
– Replenish Refrigerant.
– Ensure System is leak free.

Although it’s typical for air conditioning systems to release refrigerant, extended periods of inactivity may necessitate a re-gassing. Re-gassing involves replenishing the refrigerant to ensure optimal functioning.

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